Spain Lorenzo MotoGP

Benzema acknowledged  cheap jordan 1  that he went to congratulate Abidal to SMS after the game: "I'm happy for him, because he's the return of the King. I hope he will be able to enjoy this win, which is his due. ”

Jose Mourinho does not like Benzema, but the French seem to not want to leave bonawu. "I signed his six-year contract with Real Madrid, was wearing a white coat armor I want as long as possible. "Benzema finally said," between Mourinho and I have no problem, I matured a lot in all aspects. Mourinho was a winner, even though for him it is not easy, but he is to me. ”

Spain Lorenzo MotoGP World   cheap jordan high heels Champion, was also sent to Barcelona to applause: "Barcelona was too strong, the best team won the final victory. Congratulate Barcelona team, not just because you have won the Cup, but also because you bring so wonderful football! ”

Spain tennis player before Carlos Moya, Albert Massey will complete three successive Championships gold ball is considered: "Messi will once again won the Golden Globe Award, he is in human non-   cheap air yeezys  humans! ”
Par skysky66 le mercredi 29 juin 2011


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