Jeep-Jaap Stam

Maigelisi have not turned upside down, quickly become the core of the Aston Villa player, with the first second of the season to help the team achieved a League of good results, just behind the then dominant Liverpool England football team. 1992-93 season, maigelisi was elected player of the Premier League, next 93-94 help Villa beat Manchester United won the League Cup winners of the season.

Josep Guardiola's coach Diego Maradona focus commended the melon, he wrote: "we should focus on ethos brought by Josep Guardiola. He made Barcelona as a whole. For the coach, and able to do this was not easy. To see Barcelona this worldwide unique play modes, I personally am very happy. ”

Jeep-Jaap Stam

Due to temperature for Johns Hopkins at the Eredivisie-Egyptian Club and on the 98 World Cup Netherlands national team for the excellent performance of Manchester United in the summer of 1998 it bought, Ferguson took 10.6 million pounds at that time, Jaap Stam became the then Netherlands player with the highest value in the history, is also a defender player with the highest value in the world at that time.

Par skysky66 le mercredi 29 juin 2011


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