Viewing from slow motion replay after the gam

Frankly said, Rhonin   air jordan cp3  again "outburst" is not nothing. Because in the view of national security, get rid of this match, in the Imperial Guard had multiple game, was unequal treatment by referees. In the upper whorl away game against Henan jianye in the team competition, guoandui on duty in the final stage was the main referee penalty shootout, thus team 3-1.

 Viewing from slow motion replay after the game, defensive player, Zhang Yong Hai is stuck in the closed area locations for which no foul actions, thus the shootout is a clear miscarriage of justice. In addition, in the 8th round team acting in Liaoning in the team competition, national security cheap jordankids goal Martin also blew for offside by referee is invalid, and viewing from slow motion, the penalty remains controversial.

Now ranked sixth in the world of Salvador Dali has been 3.5 years has not won a Grand Slam, but she wins top people had in mind, as the Williams sisters missing for a long time war, fall kelisitesi injuries, poor woziniyaqi, as well as the number one seed in Grand Slam play, Sharapova found herself had won here due to the wealth of experience and reason, air jordanl'style  has become the number one wins top.

Par skysky66 le jeudi 23 juin 2011


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