Barcelona's "MVP"

Barcelona's "MVP" did not make the finals into overtime, Xia Qila also failed to see the immediate scene of the UEFA Champions League final. But Xia Qila sent congratulations to the Barcelona after the game, her Twitter said: "the champion! They gave us so much joy!! Viva Barcelona! Coming up: celebrate! ”
  Xia Qila so enthusiastic, peak can return, he imparted a microblogging on Twitter of Barcelona the next trip. "Arriving in Barcelona tomorrow!! There will be processions, we will in the celebration of the Camp Nou, and then all the players to go to the Xia Qila concert!! "Pique said.
  Juan de La Cosa at the press conference, "said Zhu Jiawei is the best player of this game, but it seems to me he's the best player, should have the other players on the field better than his performance. This is a great game, because neither the pressure in the Cup, the rhythm of the opening is also unhappy.
Par skysky66 le dimanche 19 juin 2011


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