Syrian government yesterday promised

 “The kingdom does  air jordan retro 8 not accept the situation in Syria, because the developments cannot be justified,” the Saudi monarch said urging Damascus to introduce “comprehensive and quick reforms.”

“The future of Syria lies between two options: either Syria chooses willingly to resort to reason, or face being swept into deep chaos, God forbid,” he said. 
 "I can see several bodies on air jordan retro 6  the road near a roundabout," one resident said. "But no one dares to go out to bury them because they are afraid they will also get killed."

In its latest overture to the protesters, the Syrian government yesterday promised to hold "free and transparent" parliamentary elections before the end of the year -- an offer that was unlikely to placate the opposition, which says it has lost complete confidence in Mr Assad to implement any air jordan retro 3 meaningful reforms. 

Par skysky66 le lundi 08 août 2011


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