Google Docs is still a far easier solution for document

Many hoped that Apple’s air jordan take flight iCloud web apps would offer a fully functional version of iWork, but it doesn’t seem likely for the service’s initial launch, according to a demo video recorded by a iOS developer today.

True to its description, the storage service will store documents created on Apple’s iWork office application suite. However, it doesn’t allow its users to edit documents directly from the iCloud web apps.
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  I’ve used the iWork apps in the past, and for the most part I’ve been very pleased with usability. But Google Docs is still a far easier solution for document collaboration and Microsoft’s Office 365 suite is not far behind. But until Apple offers a fully functional web app, I doubt the iCloud storage will get much attention by the majority of jordan pro strong  people.

Par skysky66 le mercredi 03 août 2011


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