Taiwanese won the Women’s British

Look: I am all for New  jordan 6
  Eric. But New Eric is also kind of a little bitch, right? Like right in the middle of his first hookup session with the love of his (admittedly short-term) life, Eric has to fight off Bill when King Pouty-Face runs in to fangblock him. And since Eric is the older, stronger of the two vamps, he almost kills Bill (part one) until Sookie tells him not to, because that's his king. Immediatly, Eric bends his knee and is all, "Your highness!"

 Also! This week we get to the bottom (sort of) of Arlene's haunted house/ "Insidious" baby. It wasn't the ghost of Renee who lit their house on fire and burned it to the ground, but some ghost nanny who is somehow linked with that charred doll that Jessica stole from Hoyt to give as a present jordan retro 9  to Arlene. And Alan Ball decides that he can throw a ghost nanny onto this grill, no problem. As if we didn't have enough to deal with. Like the full moon later that night...

  Judging by the record books, Yani Tseng is 10 years ahead of Annika Sorenstam.

  The 22-year-old Taiwanese won the Women’s British Open in Carnoustie, Scotland, for the second straight year yesterday, beating Brittany Lang by four strokes and becoming the youngest player - male or female - to capture a fifth major title.
  European - Simon Dyson won the Irish Open by a stroke, capitalizing on a poor approach shot by Richard Green on the final hole. Green all but handed Dyson the victory when his approach on the 18th led to a three-putt bogey,  cheap retro 13 only his second of the day. Dyson finished at 15-under 269 for the tournament in Killarney.

Par skysky66 le mardi 02 août 2011


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