Cecilia Cheung look after son Rick

Battle of Cecilia Cheung cheap jordan take flight and Xie Ting Feng claimed the child of divorce just came to an end, competing for gunpowder in his career. While as line actor, and worth difference little of two people this year in income paycheck Shang vie with one another, today you over I, tomorrow I flew chasing Shang; in works number Shang, she's to number win, Thunderbolt front is focus on "boutique" large making; two people in film show slots Shang also full gunpowder, Cecilia Cheung of have a Shrewish wife 2 under and Nicholas Tse of large inverse war under has crash may. When the couple contest when first work of the upcoming large sons Lucas is beginning to show gold potential.

This is the Chinese version of "the Smiths", of the husband and wife killer, in the story and the movie frame on the completely different with the Smiths, known as was a spectacular action, shooting, love of fashion blockbusters. Among them, Cecilia Cheung and Donnie Yen martial strength, marksmanship as God, the two will provide audience presents a gripping is full of love hate "killer couples" the itinerant life. It is learnt that the investment up to 100 million Yuan,  air jordan heels for womendetermine in March 2012 and power on.

Cecilia Cheung look after son Rick, was revealing sent Lucas summer on kindergarten, will clean up your mood to prepare school later. He is busy with Cecilia Cheung broker arrangements Lucas 2nd birthday party next month. He said, "to assign a good time, Cecilia Cheung was happy to get back to Hong Kong to celebrate the holidays. "" Keep on TSE-the second half? "" Should not, Xie Ting Feng over there I do not know how to arrange, and hope that together, arranged to perfection, by the way, children will be happy birthday. "Asked whether arenas and Paula TIK are invited to attend? He said: "to be, but no call. jordan cmft max air 12   Coming with hope. ”

Par skysky66 le lundi 01 août 2011


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